What is HPRC?

Human Performance Resources by CHAMP (HPRC) is a team of scientists and specialists who translate research into evidence-based resources to help Service Members and their families optimize their performance and reach total fitness. The HPRC team's work is showcased on this website in articles, videos, and other resources to help you perform at your best in all areas of your life—and whether you’re at home, in the office, or in theater. The HPRC team also answers “Ask the Expert” questions, and delivers in-person educational presentations, trainings, and military community outreach.

Optimal performance is more than just being physically active and eating well. It’s a combination of psychological, social, nutritional, spiritual, and physical fitness—called Total Force Fitness in the military community. The resources you’ll find here will help you in your quest for Total Force Fitness and human performance optimization (HPO). HPO is the process of applying knowledge, skills, and emerging technologies to help you perform at your best as an individual, become part of a successful team, and accomplish the team’s mission.

HPRC was established by DoD in 2010 with the mandate to:

  • Translate and disseminate timely, accurate, scientifically based HPO information to commanders, Warfighters, medical personnel, and researchers
  • Boost communication and collaboration for all communities interested in HPO

HPRC is commited to delivering evidence-based content. To accomplish that goal, subject matter experts: (1) assess specific needs and gaps in the military community; (2) collect information to meet those needs based on sound research; (3) review the evidence; and (4) translate the information into simple, nonscientific language for the general reader. As scientific knowledge constantly evolves, the HPRC team frequently surveys the literature to make sure the website is accurate and up-to-date. Each article includes references, too, if you want to deepen your knowledge of a topic. (Unfamiliar with scientific papers? Learn to find relevant information in the different sections of a manuscript.)

You can also Ask the Expert a question if you…

  • Can’t find an answer to your performance-based questions on the HPRC website;
  • Work with active-duty, guard, or reserve Service Members and would like to showcase HPRC materials on your base or installation; or
  • Want to learn more about the educational presentations and trainings the HPRC team provides.

The HPRC team is part of the Consortium for Health and Military Performance (CHAMP) at the Uniformed Services University of the Health Sciences (USU).


Published on: December 20, 2022

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