PCS survival guide episode 3: Holistic strategies to find consistency, maintain routines, and leverage support

Welcome to the final installation of the CHAMP and Uniformed Services University PCS survival guide podcast. In this episode, we talk about settling in to your new unit, creating new routines, and leveraging old and new social support to help ease the transition. If you’re new to this survival guide, you might want to first listen to episode 1, where we discuss pre-PCS goal setting and flexibility to prepare for your move, and episode 2, which delves into how mindfulness and proper sleep can reduce the stress of your move.

Episode 3: Finding consistency, maintaining routines, and leveraging social support

All right: You’ve survived the trip to your new station, checked in to your new unit, and have a new home—or temporary housing while you house hunt.

This new beginning is a great time to start some new routines, yet it’s also important not to lose track of the old ones. Try to find the balance between keeping some old routines and starting new ones by being flexible. Remember: Semper Gumby! When you resume your regular family dinners, keep up with social support networks, and maintain structure in other ways, it can help you and your family transition into life in a new place. Rather than feeling stressed trying to keep up with all your old routines though, keep some, make a few adjustments to others, and start some new routines.

Listen to episode 3 to learn more about how to optimize the last leg of your PCS transition for you and your family.

Related Reading

Top 11 traits of optimized families

Mental skills for optimal performance

Identifying and combating loneliness 

Ask yourself, “Who’s got my six?”

#GotMySix: Your “fitness” battle buddy

Beat exercise boredom and optimize your workouts with a new training plan

Published on: May 3, 2019

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