RTU Items

The Go for Green® ready-to-use items database lists individually packaged and bulk menu items pre-coded with G4G color and sodium codes. It also eliminates the need to code common foods and drinks served in military dining facilities. Plus, you can search and sort specific items to serve when updating or creating a new menu or when choosing new items to offer (for example, search for Green-coded beverages for healthier drink options). Be sure to confirm an exact match to your facility’s product by reviewing the product details (brand, product name, flavor, SKU or UPC, etc.).

Do you have a ready-to-use item that needs to be coded? Fill out the form. The Armed Forces Recipe Service will assign G4G color and sodium codes to the item, and it will be added to the database.

Questions? Contact the G4G team at G4Gteam@usuhs.edu.